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Banerjee, A. K.

  • Baseline Information of Floral and Faunal Diversity for Long Term Ecological Monitoring of Dhanolti Eco Park - Mussoorie forest Division, Uttarakhand

  • Characteristics of Tropical Low Land Rain Forests of South Western Arunachal Pradesh

  • The Morphogenesis of an Umbraquult Soil in forests of Kalimpong Himalayas, West Bengal

  • Hill Soils of Bankura District, West Bengal

  • Computing Transpiration and Soil Evaporation from Periodic Soil Moisture Measurements and other Physical Data

  • Plantations of Acacia auriculaeformis (Benth.) A. Cunn in West Bengal

  • Nutritional Experiment in Sand Culture of Acacia auriculaeformis. (benth.) A. Cunn

  • Trial of Agave Species in Lateriuc Areas of West Bengal

  • Red Ferruginous Soils of Midnapur Uplands of West Bengal

  • Treatment of Parkinson's Disease with Madopar (L-Dopa and Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Benserazide) - A Clinical Study

  • Some Aspects of Friction Welding